Category Archives: Women’s Fitness

Tabata Training Tonight

Tabata Training

A solid hour of tabata training. Ass. Kicked. I wanted to do the second class as well but I forgot my timer at the studio so I had to count rounds. GRRRR.

Here’s what we did:

2 exercises, 10 rounds each, 20 seconds work, 15 seconds recovery. I had 3 groups of 3 running. Each group did 3 separate sets of exercises:

Group 1

  1. KB Swing —-> Burpees
  2. BB Clean and Press —-> Speed box jumps
  3. Woodchop —-> Step Jumping Jacks

Group 2

  1. DB Squat & Press —-> DL Burpee
  2. Spiderman Pushups —-> KB Swing
  3. TRX Jump Squat —-> DB Row

Group 3

  1. TRX Pullup —-> Lateral Lunge Touchdowns
  2. DB Snatch —-> Drivestep
  3. Renegade Row —-> Single Leg Romanians Touchdowns

Now that’s what you call fun!
