Category Archives: Home Workouts

Home Stair Workout

Home Stair Workout
Home Stair Workout
Ok…I know by now everyone is missing bootcamp. Here’s a stair workout you can do at home and with just a little bit of extra weights you can turn it into a full body session. You will need a set of stairs, a set of weights, and a timer.
Always warm up by doing some cardio and mobility drills first.

Step one, put your warm up music on….”I’m sexy and I know it”. 🙂
Step two, make your way through the following:
30 sec jumping jacks
30 sec high knees
30 sec butt kicks
10 forward lunges, sinking low and getting a good hip flexor stretch
10 side lunge touchdowns
10 squats
Arm swings front to back, or dislocations
15 scap pushups

Now you can start your workout. Set your timer for 40 sec. In between each timed strength movement, you’re going to run your stairs times. There is not rest until you’ve completed the whole circuit….so do your best to catch your breath and keep going. Remember never to sacrifice form for reps.

Run stairs 6 x

Feet elevated on a stair – pushup, 40s

Run stairs 6x

Bent over Row – maintain a flat back and rest your lower back if you need to, 40s

Run stairs 6x

Squat & Press, 40s

Run stairs 6x

Med ball around the world, 40s – if you don’t have a med ball you can hold a dumbbell end to end

Run stairs 6x

DB or Kettlebell Swing, 40s

Run stairs 6x

With dumbbells in hand, Walk up the stairs two at a time like you were doing a high knee step up. Single stairs walk down.

Runs stairs 6x

Rest for water and repeat 2-3 more times. Don’t forget to stretch.

Some notes: Safety is always first, so make sure you have shoes on, be careful coming down the stairs, take them one at a time. If you don’t have dumbbells you can use kettlebells, (or go buy some :p ), You can use a med ball to add weight to the stairs. Your pushups can be done on an incline if decline is too hard, or flat on the ground on your knees. The stairs are based on about 12 stairs. If you have more than that, you can decrease from 6 to 4x, if you have less, you can increase to 8-10x up.

Sixty Days to Sexy – Home Bootcamp Workout Series